Sunday, September 13, 2020

Rebooting the Blog

Hello, there! Long time no see, eh? 

A lot has happened since I've last posted a blog entry. I'm sure everyone can identify with what a strangely different year 2020 has been. Hopefully, we are on our way upward and onward to better times.


A little more than a year ago, I experienced a "myocardial infarction" which is otherwise known as a heart attack. I may post more details about that experience in the future but it pains me to relive it, so I don't often say much about it. The cause of the heart attack was a 99.9% blockage in the main coronary artery. High blood pressure and high cholesterol were the most significant contributors to this event. 

The cardiologist was able to reopen the blockage and stabilize the artery using two stents and he reports that there was no permanent damage to the heart. It still took me quite a while to regain my strength and stamina. In fact, I am still working on it today. I've improved my diet significantly and have lost a great amount of weight. Despite still having limits and occasional challenges with physical activity, I'm actually feeling much better today than I probably have for a long time. 

In sadder news, only five months after my own experience with heart troubles, my older sister passed away quite unexpectedly due to sudden cardiac arrest. She was alone in her vehicle and just entering her own driveway when the incident occurred. No one was around at the time to assist her and perform the lifesaving CPR actions that would have kept her blood oxygenated until professional help could be provided. A neighbor who happened to be looking out the window a short time later, saw my sister sitting out there and noticed that something seemed very wrong and called for emergency assistance. Although the EMTs were able to restart her heart, the pulse was very weak and there was extensive and unrecoverable brain damage. She passed away several days later leaving behind four children, three grand children, and very many family and friends who will miss her dearly. 

My sister's sudden cardiac arrest was determined to not have been caused by any blockages, aneurysms, infections, or other mechanical issues with her heart. All the doctors could do was speculate that she had a latent arrhythmia that caused her heart to lose synchronization and go into an arrested state. 

Take care of your hearts, your bodies, and your minds. Keep active, keep up with friends and family, eat healthy and avoid beverages that do not offer your body the sustenance it needs. Most of all, remember to enjoy life as much as you can because it only happens once and none of us knows how long this strange and wondrous trip will last. Make the best of it and try to help others increase their enjoyment of life as well. The rewards are reciprocal and immeasurable.

Take care!